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Beringer x Cynthia Rowley Wild & Refined Playing Cards

Beringer x Cynthia Rowley Wild & Refined Playing Cards

Beringer x Cynthia Rowley Wild & Refined Playing Cards



Prepare to experience a fusion of fashion and play! Over the past several months, Beringer Vineyards has partnered with renowned fashion designer, Cynthia Rowley, to create the all-new Cynthia Rowley x Beringer Vineyards Wild & Refined Playing Cards that reflect each brand’s unique style. Smooth and sleek in hand, these limited-edition, luxury cards embody Beringer’s elevated status. They are slightly oversized, allowing players to take in the clever nods to Beringer iconography, including the historic Rhine House depicted on the Joker card, the queens holding grapes, and kings holding a Beringer bottle. An icon in luxury fashion, Cynthia herself exudes “wild and refined” by blending bright, bold colors and patterns with sophisticated, timeless silhouettes, which perfectly aligns with the ethos behind Beringer’s leadership in both the “wild,” lesser-known Knights Valley AVA and the “refined” Napa Valley AVA.