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Beringer Wine Club Members


How much does it cost to join the Beringer Wine Club?

There is no cost to join.


When can I expect to be billed for my Beringer club shipments?

Memberships bill five times a year in February, April, June, October & December while Collectors' Circle memberships bill four times a year in February, April, & October & December.


What states can you ship club shipments to?

Due to legal restrictions, we are only permitted to ship wine to the following states: AK, AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, VT, VA, WA, WV & WI.


How long does my membership last?

For as long as you are happy with your subscription, with the minimum commitment of 2 shipments.


How will I know when I will be charged?

You will receive an email notification 10 days prior to the billing of your shipment, letting you know the selection and add-on options. After billing you will see a charge from Beringer on your statement.


How much will I be charged for shipping?

Shipping wine can be quite pricey (think heavy boxes & specialized packaging) so we have a set reduced, flat rate price of $20 for all ground and temperature-controlled club shipments.  Take advantage of the flat rate by adding on to your club shipment during the customization period - ship all the wine you want for only $20.


I have been charged for my Beringer shipment, when will I receive it?

Your card will be charged on the day your club release is shipped. For most of the West Coast, wine shipments are delivered 1 to 2 days later. For East Coast addresses, wine shipments are delivered between 5 to 10 business days. When your release is shipped, you will receive an email with tracking information.


What is the Rhine House Society?

When Beringer members hit their 15 year anniversary in the club they are inducted into the Rhine House Society, an exclusive status for our charter members who've reached this outstanding milestone.  Benefits include your name on the Rhine House Society plaque on display in the Founders Room, a Rhine House Society pin, shipping included on all purchases, priority access for all bookings, and preferred wine access. 


What is Gold Status?

After two and five years of membership with Beringer you unlock Gold Status and earn a new suite of member benefits which includes access to complimentary experiences at our Sister Wineries.  Visit our Gold Status page for current offerings.


How can I make changes to my Beringer membership?

Please visit your account page or you can give us a call at (707) 257-5771 Monday-Saturday 9 am - 6 pm and Sunday 9 am - 5 pm to update your account information over the phone.


What discounts do I receive as a Beringer member?

20% discount on all wines purchased.

10% discount on all winery merchandise.


How do I use my membership discount?

Beringer members receive 20% off any purchase made online at, while visiting our Cellar Door or by calling us at (707) 257-5771.


How do I cancel my Beringer membership?

We hate to see you go, but if you wish, you may cancel your club membership any time before your quarterly billing by going to your Account page then "My Wine Clubs" and "Manage Subscription".


What happens if my Beringer shipment is sent back to the winery?

The shipping service we use will make three delivery attempts before returning the wine to us. If the wine is returned to the winery, we can reship the order for a $20 fee. We suggest that you provide an address that will assure you receive the delivery, such as a place of business, with someone over the age of 21 present to sign for your order.


What if I end up with a corked or damaged bottle?

In the unlikely event that a bottle arrives damaged or corked (we inspect the wines incredibly closely before shipment), notify us as soon as possible so we can rectify the problem for you.


Can I skip or postpone a club shipment?

Yes. You will receive an email notification 10 days prior to billing, notifying you that your customization window is now open. At this time, you can choose an alternate shipping date or to skip the shipment altogether. You must take a minimum of two shipments per year to maintain an active status and your benefits.


Can I customize my shipment?

You bet! You will be sent a link to view your shipment online 10 days prior to billing when the customization window opens. You will be able to add more wines or swap out wines to ensure you get the wines you want in every shipment. Orders picked up at the winery can be customized during your visit.


Can I pick up my club shipment at the winery?

Yes, indeed. If you live locally you can select to have all club orders be held at the winery for pick up for up to 35 days. If your order is not picked up within 35 days, shipping will automatically be charged to the card on file and mailed out to you. You can also make a one-off request to have your club order held during the customization window.


How do I make a club member reservation for a tasting at Beringer?

Beringer club members receive special discounts on Beringer tastings. Different club levels will receive different discounts, click here for details. Walk-ins are welcomed or reservations can be made here by going to our Visit page. In order to receive your club discount on tastings, you will first want to make a Tock account using the email address your club is associated with. Wine Club Member must be present for complimentary Wine Club benefits. If you are having issues, we are happy to help; call (707) 257-5771.